Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rascette Line


         Palmistry rascette line is one of the minor lines on the hand which gives information about wealth, health, travel and location of rascettes. The rascettes are the rings between the wrist and the palm. There are diverse meanings for people who don’t have any rascettes line and for those who have these lines the meanings are:
          Parallel and clearly marked rascettes mean a healthy, wealthy, long and peaceful life. Chain like top rascettes means ultimate happiness after a difficult life.

Functions of the Rascette Lines
These lines indicate the long life of the person, in particular. One bracelet clearly marked and broken depicts 23 to 28 years of life, two bracelets denotes 46 to 56 years of life, three bracelets means 69 to 84 years of life and four bracelets means octogenarians.
Characteristic Features of Rascette Lines
First bracelet high on the wrist and convex means trouble in the reproductive faculties. The first bracelet chained and other bracelets well formed depict a life of hard work and difficulty in the early years, but later life would be of success. All the three bracelets well defined, clear and colored denote the wealth, health, good fortune and easy existence of an individual.
          Poorly formed bracelets mean excessive life indulgence of a person and if the rascette line of palm breaks one below the other under the mount of Saturn, it shows excessive pride and dishonesty leading to tragedy.   
            Thus, the rascette line of palmistry depicts a person’s longevity and general well being.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Palmistry Marriage Line, Marriage Line


Marriage L
  Marriage line goes cross ways to the margin of the palm initiating under the little finger or the finger of Mercury. As per palmistry, marriage lines show romances or marriages in a person’s life on the foundation of how many lines are there in his hands. It also depends how evidently they are noticeable and is also known as love line.
          Marriage line is positioned on the mount of mercury. These lines come from the rim of the palm and move towards the mount of mercury. In some hands, there are three to four such lines, but it doesn’t mean that the person would marry that many times. The line which is deep and different from all these lines is known as the marriage line.
In palmistry, it has also been seen quite a few times that a person remains unmarried for all of his/her life in spite of the existence of the marriage line on the hand. The major reason for this is that if there is any type of cross on the marriage line, it could be said that his/her engagement would be broken and the person won’t get married ever.
           The main exclusivity of this line as per palmistry marriage line depends on the length of these lines. For e.g. longer marriage line denotes that the relationship would be longer. Secondly, if the marriage line leans towards the heart line then it indicates the demise of the partner. Further, a stable incline towards the heart line indicates the death of the partner after continuing illness.
             If the line of marriage is twisting upwards, then it indicates that the person could stay single. Palmistry lines also state that the closeness of the marriage line to the heart line shows the marriage age of a person which means that the person would marry at a young age

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Palmistry Fate Line, Fate Line


Position of fate line differs considerably as suggested by palmistry. The fate line is considered to be very imperative in the science of palmistry. Interestingly, this line is not always visible on the palm and moreover, the fate line on a person’s hand does not originate from the same place. Irrespective of the origin, every time any line is seen to have concluded the mount of Saturn, it can be termed as the fate line. The position of this line on the palm has substantial influence on the life and future of an individual.
Positions of Fate line  

            First Position: On the foundation of the classifications made by the palmists, the fate line belonging to the first position is considered the best. This kind of line is well defined and ideal and ends right at the mount of Saturn. This kind of line denotes that the person would have too many ambitions and desires, but he would not be able to see the fulfillment of his/her desires in life.
           Second Position: According to the study of palmistry, the line of fate that belongs to the second position is also considered as commendable. At times there are problems, when this line touches the mount of Saturn on the palm. Such individuals are bounded with worries even though they are brave and possess the capability to achieve success in life.
            Third Position: As per the palmists, the fate line which belongs to the third position is considered as lucky as it is distinct. In spite of its uniqueness, if this line proceeds after cutting the life line, the person has to face many difficulties at the time where this line cuts the life line.    
Thus these are some of the major positions of palmistry fate line which helps in determining a person’s future.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Palmistry Heart Line, Heart Line

Heart line is a vital line in the study of hand, as it deals with the events and emotions that are centered around love, whether it is the capability to love, or to be loved. In general, the deeper and stronger the line, the stronger and warmer your devotions are. 

The heart line is the horizontal line positioned above the head line. It might rise from 3 significant positions as follows: the middle of the mount of Jupiter, amid the first and second fingers, and from the centre of mount of Saturn. When the heart line rises from the centre of Jupiter, it depicts the highest type of love and worship of the heart’s ideal. A person with such a structure is firm, strong and reliable in relationships.
When this line rises from the mount of Jupiter, the finger itself denotes that people with such type of heart line are carried away by pride and they cannot see any fallings and fault in the person whom they love. When this line rises amid the first and second fingers, it denotes a calm but deeper nature of the person in matter of love. Such individuals are quieter and obedient in their passion.
            When the heart lines rises among the first and second fingers, the person is said to be having more passion in the attachments, and would be more or less selfish in satisfying his/her affections. These people are not very expressive and affectionate in their home life. A small line of heart shows a lack of interest in love and affection. Conversely, if this short line is very strong and deep, then the person’s affections tend to be quite steady.
          Tiny lines that move upward from the palmistry heart line show a great deal of happiness in love.

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